Thursday, December 19, 2013


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Who Would Have Thought...

Normally afternoons can be very stressful. I run around getting the kids fed, then I can up the mess of toys they made in the morning by the time I am done with that I have to clean up the baby because he always finishes first. Then I start putting him to sleep, he's usually not to bad to get to sleep (except when he's sick or teething). While I'm getting him down my daughter finishes up, so I have to one handed clean her up get a pull up on her and get her to lay down and close her eyes. By that point little man is out cold so I can put him down and work on her which is usually a struggle to get her to stop fooling around. Once she is asleep if I am lucky the little guy will sleep a little longer, I'll get to finally eat my lunch and snack. Normally he wakes not long after she goes down so it's on to playing with him or keeping him out of trouble. So I am not very productive, no getting dishes done or any chores and forget trying to write in my blog or keep up with other things. Yesterday at my daughter 3 year old big girl check up, the doctor suggested cutting her naps, might help her sleep better at night. I looked at hubby and think oh great I lost my "break" time. After the appointment him and I talked and figured it might work out, I could use that time as her quiet time. She is gonna get a leap pad for Christmas and the one thing that worried me is the amount of time she's gonna want to use it. If she learns right from the start that quiet time is for that, not only is she getting to use her toy without her brother interrupting her but there's a limit. Once he wakes up it goes away. Since she doesn't have the leap pad yet, I set her up with the ipad and her abc mouse app told her it was quiet time. That the TV would be off and she had to let her brother sleep. After she finished her lunch she sat very nicely on the couch and played on the ipad. Guess what I was able to do?!?! Shower! Alone! It was a hot shower and not rushed in anyway! I shaved too! Who knew letting her stay awake would relieve the stress and give me time to shower and now write???? I want to go give the doctor a big hug! The rest of the afternoon is gonna be a little nuts, we have to stop at the outlets and exchange boots she got for her birthday (too small), go to the craft store (we are gonna pick out a craft to make daddy for Christmas), and then take her to dance. But I couldn't be any happier that I'm starting it all in a much more relaxed state than I would if I had fought with her to nap.